To setup the ChefDK development environment on MacOS+XCode or Linux, follow the steps detailed here:
- Install Virtualbox
- grab the extensions pack too, and launch it after installing the main package
- Install Vagrant
- After vagrant has been installed, run:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-berkshelf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-s3auth
- Download the ChefDK
- Just run/install the package
- (Detailed guide, no need to follow, just for info)
- After ChefDK is installed, in a new terminal window (so PATH changes are picked up), run the following (ignore the warning, as long as it says success at the end):
sudo /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem install chef-provisioning-ssh
- Install python package manager pip if needed. (Instructions here).
- Run:
pip install awscli boto
- If not running with a machine IAM role, configure boto which will also configure for awscli, packer, and other AWS enabled tools.
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