A function X => Y is transformed to another function List[X]=>List[Y] by a higher order function called functor.
def functor[X, Y](f: X=>Y): List[X]=>List[Y] = {
def fun: List[X] => List[Y] = (arg: List[X]) => arg match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: xs => f(x) :: fun(xs)
functor return a function that takes List[X], invokes f on each element, and returns List[Y].
Example: Map
The map method takes a function as a parameter and applies it to each element in a container in order to return a new container. The output container will be the same time as the input container.
This is because of a builder "canBuildFrom" builds an appropriate builder for the type of input collection.
2. Monads
A function X => List[Y] is transformed to another function List[X] => List[Y] by a high order function called Monad.
Monads are containers. They support higher order functions and can be combined
together. Roughly speaking, if a type F is a monad, you can combine multiple instancesof F , where some are chosen based on the values located inside the others.
def monad[X, Y](f: X=>List[Y]): List[X] => List[Y] = {
def fun: List[X] => List[Y] = (arg: List[X]) => arg match {
case Nil => Nil
case x :: xs => f(x) ::: fun(xs)
Example: FlatMap
The flatMap method takes a function (X => List[Y]) as a parameter, applies it to each element in a container, and flattens the overall result.
3. Monoids
Monoid needs to be associative and should have an identity value. Associative paves the way to parallelize operations.
Example: FoldLeft.
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