Saturday 2 January 2016

Existential Types

Existential types are a way of abstracting over types. They let you assert that some
type "exists" without specifying exactly what it is.

The type parameters of generics are erased in JVM byte code. For example, when a
List[Int] is created, the Int type is not available in the byte code, so at runtime it's not
possible to distinguish between List[Int] and a List[String], based on the known type

object Doubler{
    def double(seq: Seq[_]): Seq[Int] = 
         seq match{
     case Nil = Nil
     case head +: tail = (toInt(head)*2)+:double(tail)

     private def toInt(x:Any):Int = 
         x match{
     case i:Int = i
     case s:String = s.toInt
     case x = throw new RuntimeException(s"Unexpected list element $x")

The expression Seq[_] is actually shorthand for the existential type, Seq[T] forSome {type T}.
T can be any subtype of Any. Existential types exist primarily to support Java generics while preserving correctness in Scala's type system.

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