Saturday 14 November 2015

Method, Function and Closure in Scala

var factor = 2
val multiplier = (i: Int) => i * factor

Because functions are first-class in Scala, we can define values that are functions.
factor is not a formal parameter, but a free variable, a reference to a variable in the enclosing scope.

An operation that is named or anonymous. Its code is not evaluated until the function is called. It may or may not have free variables in its definition.

A function in Scala is an object or, moreover, an object implementing one of the function traits.
A one parameter function implements Function1, a two parameter function implements Function 2 and so on.
When we create a variable whose value is a function object and when we call this function, the call gets converted into a call to the apply method. When we create a variable whose value is a function object and when we call this function, the call gets converted into a call to the apply method.

A function closes over its environment to bind variables in scope to free variables within the function.

def multiplier(i: Int) = i * factor

A Scala method is a part of a class. A method has a name and a signature.

scala> def mult(n: Int) = n * 2
mult: (n: Int)Int
scala> val mult_fun = mult _
mult_fun: Int => Int = <function1>

This is the Eta expansion that is used to lift a method
When a method is used where a function is required. we say that Scala lifts the method to be a function.

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