Thursday, 19 February 2015

Graph time series data by RDDTool

RRDtool refers to Round Robin Database tool. 
Round robin is a technique that works with a fixed amount of data, and a pointer to the current element. Think of a circle with some dots plotted on the edge. These dots are the places where data can be stored. Draw an arrow from the center of the circle to one of the dots; this is the pointer. When the current data is read or written, the pointer moves to the next element. As we are on a circle there is neither a beginning nor an end, you can go on and on and on. After a while, all the available places will be used and the process automatically reuses old locations. This way, the dataset will not grow in size and therefore requires no maintenance. RRDtool works with Round Robin Databases (RRDs). It stores and retrieves data from them.

The data type in RRD is time-series data. This means you have to be able to measure some value at several points in time and provide this information to RRDtool. If you can do this, RRDtool will be able to store it. The values must be numerical but don't have to be integers, as is the case with MRTG (the next section will give more details on this more specialized application).


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