Below is an example to implement a hadoop streaming by shell in Oozie
command line:
hadoop jar $STREAMINGJAR \
-Dmapreduce.task.timeout=14400000 \
-input input_path \
-output output_path \
-numReduceTasks 1 \
-mapper '' \
-file 'shell_path/'
while read split; do
fout=`echo "$split" | awk '{split($0,a,"/"); split(a[5],b,"-"); split(b[3],c,"."); print "hdfs://output_path/20"c[1]"-"b[1]"-"b[2]"-"a[4]".txt"}'`
hdfs dfs -cat "$split"| tar zxfO - | bzip2 | hdfs dfs -put - "$fout"
Note: '-' refer to stdin rather than a file name. $fout refer to a file name rather than distinction folder.
Oozie Action:
<action name="shell_mr">
<delete path="${combined_file_path}"/>
<mapper>${shell_mapper} ${wf:user()} ${output_path}</mapper>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="send_email"/>
Note: the $output_path must be deleted, otherwise, the $output_path will be the target file name instead of target folder.
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