Friday, 7 November 2014

Hive Action hive-site.xml (Permission denied) in Oozie in CDH5.1.2

When you use Hive Action in Oozie in CDH5.1.2, there is a little difference with CHD4.7.
Error: hive-site.xml (Permission denied)


If you wish to pass a hive-site.xml to the tasks for a Hive action,
please rename it to something else, say "hive-oozie-site.xml".

The Hive action will try to build its own merged "hive-site.xml" and if one
already exists, this error comes up in secure environments due to
dist-cache and task runtime user differences.

This change makes the configuration file name unique and oozie can find it properly in the classpath. Previously you had multiple files with the same name and oozie was unable to resolve it to the correct file.!topic/cdh-user/P5WxTak3xIk!searchin/cdh-user/hive-site.xml$20%28Permission$20denied%29|sort:relevance/cdh-user/PsAElirMLxg/AzwqdHNPzxQJ

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