Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Hive impersonation Issue

In CDH4.7 VM,

If we create a hive table with user(cloud era), then run ooze job to access this table.

Error: Permission denied: user=hive access=WRITE, inode="/user":cloudera:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x

1. ooze job create db:  user 'hive'
2. hive -f created.hql:  user 'hive'
3. hive -e 'create database db': user 'cloudera'
4. hive shell> create database db;  : user 'cloudera'

One simple but temporal solution is:

1. in Cloudera Manager-> Hive-> Configuration -> Service-Wide->Advanced-> System User(hive to cloudera)

2. Save changes-> Actions-> Restart.

Then, 1, 2, will become user 'cloud era'

But in our CDH4.7 Cluster, only 1 is 'hive', 2, 3, 4 are 'cloud era'

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